April 21, 2009

A Few Things Google

If I were to rank Google in a list of things I need to use each day, it would be higher than a telephone, blow dryer, and washing machine. It would be right up there with toilet paper, toothpaste and soap. A curling iron, vacuum, and microwave don't even come close!

Yes, I admit I need Google. I need it like I need my grandma when I have a cooking question. I need it like I need fingernail polish when I have a run in my panty hose. I need it like I need a lasso when I ....oh, you get the point.

The great thing about my need for Google is that it keeps growing as Google grows its resources. Today, I will be highlighting some of the cool Google features I love. Some are new, some aren't - but may be new to you. What are your favorite Google features and tools?

iGoogle is a personalized homepage for lovers of Google, or anyone! Here's what I love most about it:
*I can have my favorite resources, such as Twitter, come to me rather than having to go to them.
*I can add widgets and organize them on the page any way I want
*I can see my emails and calendar on my home page
*I can create multiple iGoogle pages and easily switch between them
*I can add cool themes to fit my interests or mood
Get an overview of iGoogle here, and also check out how to create your own iGoogle page.

My iGoogle page

Google Image Search and Similar Search

Google's image search isn't anything new, but there are new features. Once you type in a search, you can filter the results based on image size, type of image such as clipart, faces, line drawings, and photo content, or color. I have found this feature to be invaluable and know students and teachers alike will too.

Another tool, which is all "a Twitter" today is Google Labs' Similar Images, which allows you to refine your search with similar images. Just type in your keywords and then click the similar images link under a picture to see similar images.

Google Labs News Timeline

A new way to search the news is to use Google Labs News Timeline. Go to the timeline, choose your content such as news, newspapers, videos, sports scores, etc., and type in your query. The results will show in a timeline with a few features that you can modify to your liking. Result sources can be modified as well. This one is worth checking out.

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