March 30, 2009

There's No Place Like Homepage

Growing up in Kansas, I have always been a big fan of The Wizard Of Oz movie. I can remember watching it even as a little girl. The flying monkeys used to terrify me. However, being a Kansas native, tornadoes do not scare me. I love the thrill of hearing the sirens go off and stepping outside to look for funnel clouds. Of course I respect their power and know when it is time to seek shelter. When my husband and I were first married, we lived in a mobile home in south Wichita. We weathered a tornado or two in the storm shelter provided by the park. Luckily, our little trailer survived each twister event while we lived there.

As tornado season approaches once again in Kansas, (the sirens actually did go off a few weeks never know in Kansas!), I will look forward to the excitement, and hope for the best for myself, neighbors, family, and friends.


Schoolr is a one-page resource source that could certainly double as a very useful homepage for students and adults alike. Organized on this single page are search fields for:



Acronym Finder

Urban Dictionary

Also, you can convert units of measure, translate text and create citations using Citation Builder. This very convenient packaging of many useful sites could leaving you saying, "There's no place like home(page)."


  1. I have set as my homepage. It's kind of like igoogle, but it searches Youtube, Google, Wikipedia, etc all at once, and in real time.

    It's a great homepage for netbook users because it is designed to be navigated without having to take you hands off the keyboard. It's quite efficient!

  2. Thanks for sharing, John. I admit I was skeptical when I saw the plain page, but I was won over when I typed in a search and saw the results. I also like that the keyboard only could be used; however, it did freeze up on me one time and I had to use my mouse to get it going again.
