October 18, 2010

New Year = Not-So-New Tools

After taking a year-long foray into the world of middle school library, I am back in the technology integration game.  I learned a great deal about the Dewey Decimal Classification and reference materials last year, but it feels so good to be here again, talking technology and learning.
Today the kids are out of school enjoying unseasonably mild mid-October weather, while we teachers are spending the day making sure that we are taking the right steps to help our students grasp content.  I am doing a late afternoon session on wikis, blogs and Google Docs at one of our middle schools.  In preparing for the session that will introduce (or reintroduce) teachers to these tools, I stumbled across a matrix that I have found quite helpful! I don't know who created it, but it is going to be my guiding tool for today.  Thanks to the person who put their time and effort into preparing this chart.

Blogs, Wikis, Docs: Which is right for your lesson?  A Comparison Table


  1. Marcia, we miss you at MMS. Please come back.

  2. I miss seeing your smiling face every day!! Come back to MMS!!

  3. Put my comment on the big screen! I want to be a star!!!!
